on the edge

computers & technology, books & writing, civilisation & society, cars & stuff

Greg Black

gjb at gbch dot net
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If you’re not living life on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.

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Worthy organisations

Amnesty International Australia — global defenders of human rights

global defenders of human rights

Médecins Sans Frontières — help us save lives around the world

Médecins Sans Frontières - help us save lives around the world

Electronic Frontiers Australia — protecting and promoting on-line civil liberties in Australia

Electronic Frontiers Australia


(Coming soon…)


(Coming soon…)


(Coming soon…)

Software resources

GNU Emacs


The FreeBSD Project

Tue, 21 Sep 2004

Denial will only take you so far

I’ve been happily in denial over the onrushing approach of old age, but this afternoon it got hard. I’ve now finished painting the downstairs bathroom, but my preferred painting arm cried enough shortly before the end. Fortunately, I have always been in the habit of using my left hand to paint fiddly stuff that is hard to reach with my right hand, so it was not too hard to let the left hand finish the job.

At least Chrissie thinks the result looks great—better than she was expecting, I think. So there remain just a few small jobs to be done before the weekend, and then I can relax while the guests are here. Of course, this recent bout of work on the house will increase pressure to finally finish it off, but I’ll worry about that later …